Welcome to the city of brotherly love, where life moves at its own pace. Whether you're a passionate Phillies fan, an art enthusiast exploring the Philadelphia Museum of Art, or simply navigating the bustling streets of this historic city, one thing is for sure - space is a precious commodity. That's where we step in!

Unlocking the Door to Stress-Free Storage

Life's twists and turns often lead to a need for extra space, be it due to a home renovation, a growing family, or the desire to declutter your living space. At EZ Storage, we understand the value of simplicity. Our state-of-the-art storage units in Philadelphia offer the perfect solution for your storage woes.


Why Choose EZ Storage?

We're not your average storage facility. Here's what sets us apart:


Discovering the EZ Storage Experience

Picture this: hassle-free storage that seamlessly integrates into your life. Imagine saying goodbye to the clutter and hello to a more organized, stress-free existence. EZ Storage is not just a place to store your belongings; it's a partner in simplifying your life.

How EZ Storage Works

Getting started with us is as easy as a Sunday morning stroll through Rittenhouse Square. Here's a simple breakdown:

  1. Choose Your Unit

    Select the storage unit size that suits your needs. Not sure? Our friendly staff is here to guide you.

  2. Secure Your Space

    Complete the hassle-free rental process and receive your personalized access code. Your space, your rules!

  3. Move In with Ease

    Bring in your items and experience the joy of a clutter-free home. Need packing supplies? We've got you covered!

Questions? We Have Answers!

Curious about our pricing, security measures, or anything else? Let's clear the air: